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Digital Finding Aid for Early Copies of Edmund Spenser's Works

The Spenser Archive Finding Aid is the first bibliographical database with links to collections all over the world that house 16th and 17th century copies of works by the English poet and colonial administrator Edmund Spenser. The database is open to editors, bibliographers, scholars and students of the history of the book, curators of collections, rare book dealers and private collectors. You can browse editions and folio parts, and you can search for copies in libraries in North America, Europe and Australia. The information has been gathered and carefully checked over many years by dozens of contributors.
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The Spenser Archive Finding Aid is the first bibliographical database with links to collections all over the world that house 16th and 17th century copies of works by the English poet and colonial administrator Edmund Spenser. The database is open to editors, bibliographers, scholars and students of the history of the book, curators of collections, rare book dealers and private collectors. You can browse editions and folio parts, and you can search for copies in libraries in North America, Europe and Australia. The information has been gathered and carefully checked over many years by dozens of contributors.

The Spenser Archive Finding Aid is the first part of what will eventually be a comprehensive digital archive devoted to the study and teaching of Spenser's works. Supported by funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities together with generous support from Washington University (St. Louis), the University of South Carolina, and the Pennsylvania State University, the construction of the Spenser Archive is supervised by the General Editors of "The Collected Works of Edmund Spenser", under contract to Oxford University Press.

>>> The Spenser Archive Finding Aid