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Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V. Eberhard Köstler Autographen & Bücher oHG

Cocktails and Book Tales on UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day, 23 April 2016

"Book Tales & Cocktails" was such a big success on 23 April 2015, that the Munich dealers and their customers immediately decided to celebrate UNESCO's World Book and Copyright Day there also in 2016. And so, the Kaufmanns Casino is once again exactly the right venue for the 11 Munich antiquarian booksellers to invite their customers on 23 April 2016 to a five o'clock tea (without tea) with books, drinks, music and fingerfood:
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Books, Drinks, Music, Fingerfood and a Lecture by Klaus G. Saur on the 20th Century Antiquarian Book Trade in Germany

If you are looking for a “typical” English club in Germany, you would do well to start in Munich. The Kaufmanns Casino has been hosting “tout Munich” – business people, artists, lawyers, physicians, authors, scientists – for conferences and cocktails since 1832, the year when Goethe died. It has become one of Munich’s institutions. Munich without the Kaufmanns Casino would not be the same for all who are living in the wonderful capital of Bavaria.

“Book Tales & Cocktails” was such a big success on 23 April 2015, that the Munich dealers and their customers immediately decided to celebrate UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright Day there once again. And so, the antiquarian booksellers invite their customers on 23 April 2016 to a five o’clock tea (without tea) with books, drinks, music and fingerfood:

Abeceda Antiquariat Christof Groessl · Hartung & Hartung · J. J. Heckenhauer · Eberhard Köstler oHG · Kunkel Fine Art · Antiquariat Kurz · Antiquariat Dasa Pahor · Thomas Rezek · Uwe Turszynski

The main course will be books. If you have received one of the coveted invitations, you will be personally welcomed by the butler Jürgen Goldfuß – very charming, in white gloves and tails. A Jazz piano player will tickle the ivories in the background. In the elegant rooms, with a view of the English Garden and a discreetly lit bar, the antiquarian booksellers will await their guests. They will display rare and beautiful books, prints and manuscripts on tables, ready and eager to show, to explain and to talk about them. If you feel inclined to buy, no-one will stop you, but the emphasis is on the conversation: “Cocktails and Book Tales” in the real sense of the word.

This year the Munich booksellers will even offer a delicate amuse-gueule. Before the cocktails and books will be served, the renowned, no: legendary collector and publisher Klaus G. Saur will hold a highly informative and entertaining lecture on “20th Century Antiquarian Book Trade in Germany”.

“Cocktails and Book Tales” is only one of a great chain of events on UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day, 23 April 2016, which are being held under the auspices of ILAB and UNESCO from Australia, Japan, Korea, South Africa to Europe and the USA. In busy and sometimes unexpected places – cabarets, clubs, museums, libraries, on markets and in the streets – ILAB booksellers will pop up showing rare and expensive books and, at the same time, raising money to buy school books for the children in South Sudan.

What is taken for granted in Munich and many places across the world, is a luxury in South Sudan: the access to books, to knowledge, and thus to a better and free life. Together with UNESCO's Forest Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI), the Munich antiquarian booksellers support the schools in South Sudan. They will fill the symbolic empty bookcases with symbolic book spines, and each donation will be spent by UNESCO to buy real school books for the children in Africa.

Munich is but one link in a worldwide chain of spontaneous bookish flashmobs spanning the whole world!






23 APRIL 2016!


is the umbrella organization of the professional rare book trade uniting 22 national associations and around 2000 rare book dealers in 34 countries worldwide.


CONTACTS: Sally Burdon - | Barbara van Benthem -

April 2016 – For immediate release. Pictures: ILAB, UNESCO, the Organizers, Glessner House

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