Actualités Vereinigung der Buchantiquare und Kupferstichhändler in der Schweiz /Syndicat de la Librairie et du Commerce de lEstampe en Suisse
Catalogue of the Zurich Rare Book Fair just published
"Die Pandemie wird enden, unsere Bücher werden bleiben." - The pandemic will come to an end, our books will stay.
Indeed, books have survived centuries; are a wonderful way to get through the pandemic and aren't they a symbol of perseverance and timelessness?
22 Swiss booksellers have joined the initiative of the Zurich book fair. The online version of the catalogue can be viewed here
Happy browsing!
VEBUKU, the Swiss antiquarian booksellers association was founded in 1939 in Zurich as a professional trade body and representation of rare booksellers in Switzerland. It was a founding member of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers. Today, VEBUKU unites about 50 professional rare booksellers and has organised the Zurich Rare Book Fair since 1994, the only Swiss fair to sell rare and valuable books, prints and antiquarian material.