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Boston 2001


Hotel Marriott Copley Place Boston MA

Wednesday 7. November 2001. 9am

Present were :- Kay Craddock (ILAB President), Bob Fleck (ILAB Vice-President), Poul Poulsen (ILAB Treasurer and President of the Danish Association), Keith Fletcher ILAB Secretary), Frederic Castaing, Arnoud Gerits and Michael Steinbach (ILAB Committee members), Alain Nicolas (ILAB Immediate Past President), Eric Speeckaert (Belgium), Alain Marchiset (France), Adrian Harrington (Great Britain), Robert Muir (ANZAAB), Noriaki Abe (Japan), Tom Congalton (USA), Steven Temple (Canada), Ulrich Hobbeling (Germany) , and Nevine Marchiset (providing translation to and from French)

Apologies for absence were received from Anton Gerits, Anthony Rota, Bob de Graaf, and John Lawson (Presidents of Honour), Mitsuo Nitta (Member of Honour), Walter Alicke (ILAB Committee member), Francesco Chellini (Italy), Manuel Ripoll (Spain), Marcus Benz (Switzerland) Andre Swertz (Netherlands), Norbert Donhofer (Austria), Johan Redin (Sweden), Timo Surojegin (Finland) and Anders Guldhaug (Norway).


Poul Poulsen held proxies for Sweden, Finland and Norway, Arnoud Gerits held the proxy for the Netherlands. Ulrich Hobbeling held proxies for Switzerland, Austria, and Spain Kay Craddock held the proxy for Italy.

Making a total of 21 votes represented.

In Memoriam

The President invited the meeting to stand and to observe a moment’s silence in memory of the friends and benefactors of the League who had died in the last year. She mentioned by name :- Ingo Nebehay, Edith Finer, and Max Israel.

Approval of Minutes of the Presidents' Meeting in Edinburgh 2000

Subject to corrections to the names Congalton and Speeckaert these minutes, proposed by Bob Fleck, seconded by Tom Congalton, were approved unanimously.

Matters arising

Past President Alain Nicolas reported that he had never received a reply from the Italian Minister of Culture [page 3. para.1.]

Tom Congalton (USA) said that in view of the great deal of of work which was being put into both the ILAB budget and the Manual the ABAA were willing to withdraw their proposals "A" and "B", left on the table [page 3].

President's Report

The president, Kay Craddock, read her report [Appendix "A" of these minutes]. In response to her first paragraph, Tom Congalton (USA) said that he wished to thank her both personally and on behalf of the ABAA for her kind thoughts. He would also like to take the opportunity to thank the many other presidents and ILAB booksellers who had sent messages of condolence in the past weeks. They had been much appreciated. Acceptance of the president's report was proposed by Robert Muir (ANZAAB), seconded by Adrian Harrington (GB) and carried nem. con.

Alain Marchiset (France) said that he would like to thank the president and the whole committee for the enormous amount of work that had been put in, especially the workshop yesterday where we had been able to discuss thoroughly those things which are so important to today’s' meeting.

Treasurer's Report

Poul Poulsen had sent out the accounts [August 2000 to July 2001] at the beginning of September. He read his report [Appendix"B" of these minutes]. Acceptance of the Treasurer's report was proposed by Keith Fletcher, seconded by Tom Congalton (USA) and carried nem. con. Among the book fair levies stated in the accounts as being outstanding it was noted that USA had paid on 15. August, Switzerland on 20. August, and that the Florence fair was biennial and therefore not due.

Secretary's Report

Keith Fletcher reported that he had recently established with Scott Brinded the terms under which he would sell / distribute ILAB publications. They were as follows :- 1). Franco's Dictionary, published at $37.50 [$28 to ILAB dealers]. 2). Rosenthal's Abbreviations @ $10 [$7.50 to ILAB dealers]. For 'bulk orders' to National Associations he would ship; inform PP who would invoice the association concerned; and reclaim shipping costs when submitting annual invoice for storage charges (£100). On copies supplied direct to the general public or to individual ILAB dealers he would receive a discount of 50% on all prices. To non-ILAB dealers he would allow 10% discount.

It was suggested by Adrian Harrington (GB) that more effort should be made to sell copies of these publications at the various ILAB-sponsored fairs. It would entail getting the co-operation of the appropriate members and instituting a system of distribution to them on a sale-or-return basis. The Secretary agreed to consult with Adrian Harrington and Scott Brinded as to how this might best be arranged. Acceptance of the secretary's report was proposed by Poul Poulsen, seconded by Arnoud Gerits and carried nem. con.

Alain Marchiset (France) wished to point out that item 11. of the Agenda, Unidroit, concerned not just the European Union but the whole world.

ILAB Newsletter

Arnoud Gerits reported that as a result of discussions in the previous day's workshop session he would be approaching the editors of members' newsletters (where they exist) with the object of getting together an editorial board for the ILAB Newsletter. It had been suggested that not all articles needed to be translated into French or English, provided that there was a brief summary in the corresponding translation appended. Eric Speeckaert felt that the budget for the newsletter should be fixed at a maximum of $4000 and to attain this only 'official' business such as minutes of meetings should be included. Alain Marchiset felt that the newsletter should not cost more than it does currently and that if more money is needed then it should be raised through advertising. Arnoud Gerits assured the meeting that he saw no problem in containing the costs to present levels as they were almost solely related to the number of pages printed. Adrian Harrington (GB) then made the following proposal :- "That the Presidents ask the ILAB Committee to form an editorial board to explore and implement ways to improve the content and funding of the Newsletter. In pursuing these ends the presidents understand that published material and advertising may be sought from outside ILAB. The presidents have faith in the desire and ability of the committee to protect the best interests of ILAB in this venture". This was seconded by Tom Congalton (USA) and carried nem. con. In response to Alain Nicolas's experience that formerly many Newsletters were left undistributed by the National Associations, Arnoud Gerits said that he had sent the last issue direct to each bookseller, using Rockingstone's database of address's, with very little extra cost and a gratifyingly low return (some 15 copies only).

ILAB Directory

It was agreed [with the exception of M. Benz (Switzerland)] that, despite the coming-of-age of "IT", the directory should continue to be published in a hard copy version. Costs should be kept down as it had, by its very nature, a rather short life. Paper covers were suggested but they save very little on the costs and it was felt that hard covers were more suitable for a book habitually carried in the pocket. Member of Honour, Mitsuo Nitta, had sent a suggestion that the directory should carry more advertising, but previous experience had shown that this was not very cost effective, and counterproductive in that it bulked out unnecessarily a book which was designed to be carried in the pocket. It was intended to have a new edition ready to present to the General Assembly in September 2002, and it was therefore remarked that there was no time to lose!

ILAB Manual

The president reminded the meeting that there had been a total of 42 separate proposals by the ABA and ABAA, but as a result of extensive informal discussion during the correlation and assessment of these proposals during the workshop the previous day, various of them had, by mutual agreement, already been either accepted or withdrawn.

The following references are to the Sections (Roman numerals) and Paragraphs (Arabic numerals) as set out in the interim version of our rule-book " ILAB/LILA Manual 2001"

I.1. In fulfilment of ABAA' s request that each association be furnished with a copy (or summary translation) of the Swiss Code a copy is included with these minutes.

I.4. Change to read "... Manuscripts etc., and also in maps, prints and drawings". Carried nem. con.

I.5. Change to read "...from all political and religious commitments." Carried nem con.

II.8. Withdrawn.

II.9. It was felt that the question of expulsion needed to be addressed by reference to the Swiss Code and it was agreed to leave it on the table for further study.

II.10 Withdrawn.

ILAB Presidents Meeting Boston, 7. Nov. 2001 Page 4

III. 11. Withdrawn.

IV. 13. After discussion at the workshop it was proposed to replace the first sentence by the following two sentences. "The General Assembly shall be held annually, if possible in a different country each time. Every second year, coinciding with the Congress of the League, the General Assembly shall be open to all members of the National Associations" Carried. nem. con.

IV. 14. All three proposals withdrawn. It was proposed that the penultimate sentence be changed to read "A national association may represent a maximum of two other associations who have not sent a delegate". Carried nem con

IV. 15. (ABA) Change "beforehand" to "in advance." Carried nem. con. IV. 15. (ABAA) Change "national associations may" to "national associations must". Carried nem.con.

IV. 16 (e) & 16 (f). Change "approve" to consider and approve". Carried nem. con.

(ABA) Insert New Section V. "New" clauses 22 to 25. Withdrawn.

V. 22. After discussion the proposal was modified to read - Change "each chosen from a different country" to "each from a different association". Carried nem. con.

V. 23. Change to "The Officers and Committee members are". Carried nem. con.

V. 26. Change to "at least 15 days in advance". Carried nem. con.

VI. 30. (ABA) First paragraph, change to "At least 90 days before the General Assembly, the Committee shall send a list of forthcoming vacancies to the national associations. At least 60 days before the General Assembly, national associations wishing to nominate one or more candidates shall send their lists to the President of the League and also to the presidents of other national associations, taking into account the requirements of Rule 22" Carried nem. con.

VI. 30. (ABA) Second paragraph, change to " Candidates may be nominated by the Committee subject to the agreement of the national association to which they belong. It is recommended that a list of all nominees should be circulated by national associations to their members for their comments and to allow the membership at large to express its views. All valid nominations, whether they be Committee members seeking re-election or new nominees, must be submitted to the vote of the General Assembly" [The last phrase "in alphabetical order" being withdrawn by general consent]. 13 votes for. 5 votes against (France 2, Germany 2, Belgium). 3 abstentions. This motion was defeated by reason of failure to obtain the two thirds majority required by rule 14.

VI. 30. (ABAA) Delete "Candidates nominated by a national association shall be subject to the agreement of the Committee". 13 votes for. 5 votes against (France 2, Germany 2, Belgium). 3 abstentions. This motion was defeated by reason of failure to obtain the two thirds majority required by rule 14.

Change to " end of his or her term of office, a successor" Carried nem. con.

VII. 32 a, b, & c. As a result of discussion at the workshop the previous day it was agreed that this rule be left on the table for extensive redrafting.

VII. 33. Withdrawn VII. 37. Withdrawn ILAB Code of Customs and Usage. 2. (ABAA) Withdrawn

3. [ Discussion between English and French speakers, with Nevine Marchiset as moderator, established that the quasi-euphemistic sense of "sophistications" was not used in French but that the French text does in fact encompass the English meaning].

5. Both proposals withdrawn and the following text proposed :- "Members shall be responsible for the professional pricing of all material offered for sale, regardless of whether they are dealing with experts or amateurs", Carried nem. com.

9. (ABAA) proposal was modified to read :- Insert after the word "catalogues" a comma, followed by "and on online databases and websites". Carried nem. con.

17. Withdrawn, and the original text modified to read :- "They involve the responsibility of the bookseller towards the owner of the material". Carried nem. con.

ABA Add new 22. "PRESERVATION. Members are committed to the preservation of historical materials and should not break complete and intact copies of books or manuscripts" Carried nem. con.

ABA Add new 23. It was decided that this proposal concerning investment schemes should be studied more closely by Adrian Harrington and Alain Marchiset and a report sent to the Committee before 31. January 2002.

ILAB Recommendation re Stolen Books. Following assurances that ILAB never mediates between booksellers but only between members (i.e. national associations), this proposal was withdrawn..

Guidelines for Book Fairs

2.8. Catalogue. Add at the end "If material in the catalogue is known to be subject to export restriction, this must be stated" Carried nem con.

ILAB Presidents Meeting Boston, 7. Nov. 2001 Page 6.

Guidelines for Hosting a Congress

1.5 The ABA proposal was modified to read :- "It is recommended that host associations pay careful attention to the ability of rank and file ILAB booksellers to afford the charges for the Congress" Carried nem. con.

There was also general agreement on the ABA suggestions that the 'Friendship Programme' introduced at the Cologne Congress be retained, and that, subject to cost, the final draft of the ILAB Statutes and Customs and Usage be looked over by an international lawyer.

[At noon there was a 30 minute break for lunch]

After lunch, Past President, Alain Nicolas, who was obliged to leave early for Paris, asked permission to address the meeting, as follows :- Madam President, I would like to say a few brief words before leaving. Due to the recent dramatic events I have got some difficulties with my airline reservations. Unfortunately I have to catch a plane by the end of this afternoon, so I will be leaving shortly. Thus I want to express to you a warm "au revoir". Once again it has been for me a great pleasure to share with you these 3 days of work. I don't have to remind you how Kay and her committee have been working a lot. So, as a past ILAB president I wish to congratulate them for the fine way they have continued the task of their predecessors. And moreover wish to congratulate you as presidents of your national associations. You presidents, who have made the effort to come here to Boston not only under difficult circumstances but also to work hard on difficult matters, but matters which are essential to our trade, you are the lifeblood of the League; and I would like to say that as presidents of national associations you are the "Members" (with a capital "M") of this body, The ILAB Presidents Meeting: Without you this body is a dead one. Your efforts, which are greatly appreciated, are essential in our ever-changing world, and one of your more important duties is to explain to, and convince your successors just how important it is to come to our meetings and to participate actively as all of you have done in the last 2 days. Thanks a lot"

It was also suggested by Past President Nicolas that the level of 'attendance' payments made to ILAB committee members should be increased from $100 to $150 per day. The President, Kay Craddock, pointed out that as it was customary for the Immediate Past President to be expected to attend the meetings held by his successor, she thought that 'attendance' payments and the reimbursement of travel expenses should be extended to holders of that office as well. These suggestions were formally proposed by Alain Marchiset (F) and Arnoud Gerits (Netherlands) but before they could be put to the vote it was suggested that (a) the Treasurer should investigate the League's ability to afford such increases, and (b) that it would be more 'diplomatic' if such an increase were proposed at the end of the committee's term of office. The proposal was therefore withdrawn and left on the table.


Jelle Samshuijzen, who had joined the meeting at lunchtime, was introduced by Vice-president Bob Fleck. By means of a special projector which threw the image of his computer screen onto a large wall screen Jelle gave a demonstration of the redesigned ILAB website together with some of his ideas for its future development.

Subscription and Book Fair Levy.

After lengthy discussion and a 'round-the-table' assessment it was agreed that increases of the subscription to $20 and the Book Fair Levy to $30, as proposed in the Treasurer's draft Budget for 2001 - 2002, were necessary. It was pointed out that the effect of these increases would not be felt for some 18 months, but that ILAB had sufficient funds in the bank to survive this interval. These increases were passed by the meeting, 13 votes for, 5 against [ANZAAB, Great Britain (2), Franc (2)], and 3 abstentions. During this discussion it was suggested by KF that a more equitable means of making a levy on ILAB book fairs would be to charge a simple percentage of the stand fee to each participant. It was agreed that KF and Adrian Harrington should gather the information necessary to arrive at the appropriate percentage. It was pointed out by Nevine Marchiset that, according to her reading of the "Swiss Code", it was required to record the names of those members voting against a motion.

ILAB Bibliographical Prize

The suggestions that had come out of the workshop discussions of the previous day, namely (a) that the prize could only continue if a new means of funding was found, (b) that sponsors should be sought, ideally a large corporate sponsor sympathetic to the world of books, or even a sponsor from within the ILAB community, and (c) that the Prize jury be reorganised to include more booksellers, were now formally agreed. The President agreed that as she was 'ex officio' a member of the jury she would undertake the preliminary work of gathering ideas for funding, sponsorship, and reorganization. She would however urge all present to think hard about "funding" and "sponsorship". The committee would soon be considering the nomination of a new Secretary of the Bibliographical Prize.

Unidroit and Export

Frederic Castaing began his report by establishing that its title should be "Unidroit, UNESCO's Code of Ethics, and Export" since these problems concerned not just the European Union but the entire world. He stated his belief that the matter of Unidroit and the Code of Ethics was of profound importance to all of us as booksellers. Its effects were not confined to dealers in fine art, antiques and archaeological artefacts; it held very real dangers for everyone and threatened to disrupt our trade. It is often thought that it concerns only the European trade; on the contrary it will have world-wide effects. The Unidroit Convention deals with the return of stolen cultural property. Some counties have already signed and/or ratified this convention (France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands) while others (UK, USA) have not. FC made the following points :- 1). While the aims are admirable the wording of the Convention is highly problematical. It speaks in vague terms such as ' a country may demand the return of goods if they are of significant importance to that country.' This confers a unilateral and arbitrary legal power of which any country may take unfair advantage. 2). In the matter of compensation to someone buying the disputed items in good faith, the Convention states that they will only be compensated if they can prove that they neither knew nor suspected that the items were stolen or illegally exported. That is, they are required to prove a negative (almost an impossibility). 3). S.L.A.M., in conjunction with various other trade organizations in France, has declared that while they agree with the spirit of the Convention, they object most strongly to its wording.

FC next dealt with the Code of Ethics; a proposal adopted 2 years ago by UNESCO. He made the following observations :- 1). In its preamble it claims to have been drawn up in consultation with all the relevant professional bodies. This is completely untrue. 2). The Code regards dealers as the principal criminals in the smuggling of cultural goods and works of art. Even though governments (various

African governments for example) allow, in the first instance, the digging up, sale and export, of archaeological artefacts, then, when these same governments later claim the goods back it is the dealers alone who are regarded as criminal. Governments cannot be held responsible. 3). The Code requires dealers to sign an undertaking to abide by it, and to denounce any of their colleagues whom they suspect of not following this Code. Again, S.L.A.M. has joined in a declaration of protest at the wording of this Code.

The ILAB Committee considered this report at its meeting last Monday and decided to recommend to this meeting that the following proposals made by S.L.A.M. and recently circulated to all National Presidents be sent to UNESCO.

1). We,the undersigned, who represent 29 countries, members of the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS, have examined an International Code of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property, drafted and adopted by UNESCO. Les soussignés, représentants des 29 pays membres de la LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ANCIENNE, saisis d'un Code de déontologie pour les marchands en biens culturels, étabi et adopté par l'UNESCO, Considering: Considérant:

1) that its text was drafted without any consultation with representatives from Antiquarian Dealers' Associations, 1) que ce texte a été élaboré en l'absence d'une véritable concertation avec les représentants des Associations Professionnelles d'antiquaires,

2) that its text, in some instances runs contrary to the laws of the major States, 2) que ce texte peut poser certains problèmes de droit en opposition avec les législations des principaux états,

3) that its text aims at creating a climate of denunciation between fine art dealers throughout the world, in total contradiction with the fraternal relations they strive to promote within their various associations, 3) que ce texte vise à instaurer un climat de délation entre professionnels du Marché de l'Art, en totale contradiction avec les rapports confraternels qu'ils s'efforcent de promouvoir au sein de leurs différentes associations,

We therefore oppose the said Code, and ask to be heard as soon as possible by all the concerned parties. s'opposent donc à ce projet et demandent à être entendus dans les meilleurs délais par toutes les instances concernées.

Signed by:.............. Signé par:...............

2). We, the undersigned, representing the 29 countries, members of the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS, having learnt of the forthcoming ratification by most of the countries represented within the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS, of the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (Rome, 24 June 1995), while we agree with the spirit of this Convention, wish to make our opposition known to the present draft of the said Convention.

Les soussignés, représentants des 29 pays membres de la LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ANCIENNE, ayant pris connaissance de la ratification prochaine de la Convention d'UNIDROIT sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés (Rome, 24 juin 1995) par la plupart des pays représentés au sein de la LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ANCIENNE, font savoir leur opposition à la rédaction actuelle de ladite Convention

Signed by: Signé par:


FC ended by pleading for a increased response to his recent circular to National Associations requesting up-to-date information on their import and export regulations. He felt that few people understood just how severe the punishment could be under EC law. Penalties could be as much as 450000 Euros and 3 years in prison, and it should be ILAB's responsibility to bring these facts to the attention of all its members. This could not be done unless accurate information was forthcoming from all the members of ILAB.

Motion 1). proposed by Frederic Castaing, seconded by Tom Congalton (USA) was carried 20 votes for, and 1 abstention. Motion 2). proposed by Frederic Castaing, seconded by Tom Congalton (USA) was also carried 20 votes for, and 1 abstention.

It was subsequently suggested that the text of these two motions be circulated to other interested organizations urging them to make similar representations. If there were other federations in the art world, similar to ILAB, then these should also be contacted for their support. It was suggested that the British Antique Dealers Association may have information on this latter point.

Book Security

Adrian Harrington introduced the 3 proposals put forward by ABA, as printed on the verso of the agenda, namely :- 1. That ILAB should introduce an e-mail group system for the speedy dissemination to the membership of information about stolen property.

2. That ILAB should introduce Membership Cards with unique international membership numbers (which could be pencilled into books as a security measure) 3. That ILAB should introduce a database of stolen items which would be searchable by ILAB members through the ILAB website.

During discussion the following points were made :- (a). Bob Fleck suggested that as item 3 possibly involved considerable expenditure it would be wise to consult with Rockingstone and our Treasurer before proceeding. (b) It was thought that individual “membership” numbers should have a country code prefix (the international road vehicle code was suggested - i.e. CH = Switzerland, F= France, GB= Britain, etc.) and that the actual numbers be assigned by each association. It was then suggested by the President that perhaps Rockingstone had already assigned individual numbers to each bookseller. It was agreed to consult Jelle on this point as well.

The three proposals, taken together, were proposed by Adrian Harrington (GB), seconded by Arnoud Gerits (NL) and carried nem. con. The committee promised to investigate the best ways of implementation of these ideas.

Robert Muir (ANZAAB) reported that some eight of his members in recent months had done ‘E-commerce’ business with someone at an address in France, accepting payment by credit card (without signature) authorised by the appropriate card authority. The books were NOT sent to the registered address of the cardholder and in all cases the money was later debited from the dealers’ accounts. He proposed that ILAB make representations to the major credit card companies to try to establish a non-rescindable authorization on the acceptance of ‘cardholder not present’ transactions. Arnoud Gerits (NL) added that he had recently accepted a credit card payment from a customer in Vienna, who, when he had received the books, promptly cancelled the credit card transaction. Arnoud was advised by the credit card company that they cannot help him. Adrian Harrington (GB) pointed out that (a) any credit card transaction may, by law, be rescinded up to 6 months later (or perhaps even 1 year), and (b) there is no hope of getting any redress if dealers’ do not abide by the correct procedures (in the ANZAAB case that means establishing the registered address of the cardholder and sending only to that address). After extended discussion and much anecdotal evidence of the pitfalls of credit card transactions the following proposal was made by Steven Temple (Canada) and seconded by Adrian Harrington (GB) :- That ILAB should provide facts about credit card transactions. This to be done on our website and in our newsletter. Carried nem. con.

Future congresses and presidents’ meetings

Poul Poulsen (DK) on behalf of the four Scandinavian associations (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) invited the League to participate in the 36th. ILAB Congress, 6-11 Sept. 2002 followed by an ILAB Book Fair 13-15 Sept. 2002. This was the first time that four ILAB members had joined forces to host a congress. The official invitations would be sent out in mid-January.

2003. Ulrich Hobbeling (D) invited the Presidents to meet in Potsdam in Oct / Nov. to coincide with a Berlin book fair. Michael Steinbach announced the following dates:- 2004. Melbourne. 37th. Congress and ILAB Book Fair 7-17. October

2005. Ottawa. Presidents’ Meeting. 2006. Brazil / or Philadelphia / New York as per “Note C” on verso of Agenda (and appended below)

Note "C" A proposal has been received from ABAA as follows :- That the biennial ILAB Congress and Book Fair be sponsored by the ABAA, and hosted by the Middle Atlantic Chapter of the ABAA, in the next available year, with the Congress to be held in Philadelphia and the Book Fair in New York City. It is understood that 2008 is the next unscheduled Congress and Fair, but, with sufficient notice from ILAB, the ABAA could be prepared to sponsor these events as early as 2006, if that date were to be available.

Any other business.

Arnoud Gerits (NL) referred to the recent case of an Italian dealer in dispute with a Dutch dealer, where the Italian dealer had made use of the ILAB e-mail system provided by Rockingstone to broadcast accusations against another bookseller. Arnoud wished to make two important points. Firstly, the Dutch dealer was in fact innocent of the charges levelled against him: secondly, whatever the merits of his case, in was an abuse of the system for the Italian dealer to use it in this way. Keith Fletcher said that it seemed not always to be understood that ILAB did not arbitrate between individuals. Complaints against individual booksellers should always be made to the association of which they were a member and who therefore had jurisdiction over them. If such a complaint involved two associations, and they could not resolve it among themselves, then ILAB could be asked to arbitrate between these associations. He also said that he found it disturbing that the “Complaint Form” on the ILAB website did not require the complainant to provide his or her full name and address, merely an e-mail address.

Arnoud Gerits proposed in English (refraining from using French in order to make translation unnecessary!) on behalf of the entire meeting, a sincere vote of thanks to Nevine Marchiset for her excellent translating, as well as for her very useful observations on aspects of the Swiss Civil Code. Received with acclaim.

The meeting was closed at 5.05pm.

Signed............................................... Date................................

Kay Craddock, President

We,the undersigned, who represent 29 countries, members of the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS, have examined an International Code of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property, drafted and adopted by UNESCO. Les soussignés, représentants des 29 pays membres de la LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ANCIENNE, saisis d'un Code de déontologie pour les marchands

en biens culturels, étabi et adopté par l'UNESCO, Considering: Considérant:

1) that its text was drafted without any consultation with representatives from Antiquarian Dealers' Associations, 1) que ce texte a été élaboré en l'absence d'une véritable concertation avec les représentants des Associations Professionnelles d'antiquaires,

2) that its text, in some instances runs contrary to the laws of the major States, 2) que ce texte peut poser certains problèmes de droit en opposition avec les législations des principaux états,

3) that its text aims at creating a climate of denunciation between fine art dealers throughout the world, in total contradiction with the fraternal relations they strive to promote within their various associations, 3) que ce texte vise à instaurer un climat de délation entre professionnels du Marché de l'Art, en totale contradiction avec les rapports confraternels qu'ils s'efforcent de promouvoir au sein de leurs différentes associations,

We therefore oppose the said Code, and ask to be heard as soon as possible by all the concerned parties. s'opposent donc à ce projet et demandent à être entendus dans les meilleurs délais par toutes les instances concernées.

Signed by:.............. Signé par:...............


We, the undersigned, representing the 29 countries, members of the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS, having learnt of the forthcoming ratification by most of the countries represented within the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS, of the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (Rome, 24 June 1995), while we agree with the spirit of this Convention, wish to make our opposition known to the present draft of the said Convention.

Les soussignés, représentants des 29 pays membres de la LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ANCIENNE, ayant pris connaissance de la ratification prochaine de la Convention d'UNIDROIT sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés (Rome, 24 juin 1995) par la plupart des pays représentés au sein de la LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ANCIENNE, font savoir leur opposition à la rédaction actuelle de ladite Convention

Signed by: Signé par: