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Books stolen by Nazis to be returned

The Guardian reports: 70 books stolen from the Social Democratic party by the Nazi regime will officially be returned on August 31, including an 1883 English edition of The Communist Manifesto thought to come from the library of Friedrich Engels. The Social Democrats, Germany's oldest political party, was outlawed after the Nazis came to power in 1933. The return of the books is part of a larger project by the Berlin library to rehome Nazi "loot". In April, it had already given ten books and three journals back to the Jewish Community of Berlin.
The Guardian reports: 70 books stolen from the Social Democratic party by the Nazi regime will officially be returned on August 31, including an 1883 English edition of The Communist Manifesto thought to come from the library of Friedrich Engels. The Social Democrats, Germany's oldest political party, was outlawed after the Nazis came to power in 1933. The return of the books is part of a larger project by the Berlin library to rehome Nazi "loot". In April, it had already given ten books and three journals back to the Jewish Community of Berlin.

Dr Annette Gerlach from the Berlin library says: "We have a project searching for books in our library which were stolen in the Drittes Reich by the Nazis from Jews or institutions such as the Social Democratic party. We have a very great project to look for the traces in the books. We have to look into 200,000 books."

Read the whole article in The Guardian:

>>> Books stolen by Nazis to be returned. By Alison Flood