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Bologna 2011

Articles bologna 2010 3

September 23-25, 2011

Palazzo Re Enzo e del Podestà

From 23 to 25 September 2011 Bologna will host the 8th Artelibro Art Book Festival, one of Italy's most prestigious book and art events held in cooperation with the Italian Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (ALAI).

The success of last year’s International Antiquarian Book Fair, sponsored by ILAB and ALAI, motivated numerous national and international booksellers to exhibit again at the beautiful Palazzo Re Enzo in 2011. 37 exhibitors will present highlights of the history of the book from magnificently illuminated medieval manuscripts to early editions of Galileo Galilei’s or Willliam Harvey’s groundbreaking works and rare first editions of Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories and the illustrated adventures of Pinocchio.

Like last year, Bologna’s cultural institutions will enrich the Art Book Festival with a series of exhibitions and conferences concerning the world of the book. To celebrate the 2200th anniversary of the founding of the Roman colony of "Bononia", the theme of Artelibro 2011 will be Archaeology.

Have a look at the book fair catalogue!

Click below to download the pdf file.

Articles bologna poster 2011
Articles bologna 2010 1


Archetypon Studio Bibliografico

L'Arengario Studio Bibliografico

Librerie Arion

Atlantis Studio Bibliografico

Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart


Libreria Bongiorno Paolo

Libreria Brighenti

Libreria Antiquaria Il Cartiglio

Libri Antichi e Rari Chartaphilus

La Darsena

Libreria Docet

Ex Libris

Libreria La Fenice

Antiquariato Librario Forni Arnaldo

Galleria Gilibert

Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli - Gonnelli Casa d'Aste

Libreria Editrice Goriziana

Libreria Govi Alberto

Studio Bibliografico Gribaudi

Studio Bibliografico Lex Antiqua

Antiquariat Lindner Hans

Maffei Giorgio

Studio Bibliografico Marini

Studio Montespecchio

Libreria Antiquaria Natale Sonia

Libreria Antiquaria Perini


Il Polifilo Libri Rari

Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco


Studio Bibliografico Rambaldi Paolo

Libreria Seab

Studio Bibliografico Solmi Giuseppe

Librairie Ancienne Des Trois Islets

Libreria Antiquaria Xodo