Bibliographies - Religion
Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL)
Originally published in 14 volumes and 7 supplements. The BBKL is available as an online database with 14.000 articles about periods, persons and milestones in church history.
History of the Roman Catholic Church until 1913. “The Catholic Encyclopedia, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle ofCatholic interests, action and doctrine. What the Church teaches and has taught; what she has done and is still doing for the highest welfare of mankind; her methods, past and present; her struggles, her triumphs, and the achievements of her members, not only for her own immediate benefit, but for the broadening and deepening of all truescience, literature and art — all come within the scope of the Catholic Encyclopedia. It differs from the general encyclopedia in omitting facts and information which have no relation to the Church. On the other hand, it is not exclusively a church encyclopedia, nor is it limited to the ecclesiastical sciences and the doings of churchmen. It records all that Catholics have done, not only in behalf of charity and morals, but also for the intellectual and artistic development of mankind. It chronicles what Catholic artists, educators, poets, scientists and men of action have achieved in their several provinces. In this respect it differs from most otherCatholic encyclopedias. The Editors are fully aware that there is no specifically Catholic science, that mathematics, physiology and other branches of human knowledge are neither Catholic, Jewish, nor Protestant; but when it is commonly asserted that Catholic principles are an obstacle to scientific research, it seems not only proper but needful to register what and how much Catholics have contributed to every department of knowledge.” (Preface)
Funeral Sermons – Katalog der Leichenpredigten
The Catalogue of Funeral Sermons („Katalog der Leichenpredigten“) is published by the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (Germany). The online database covers 9494 sermons from the 16th to th 18th century.
Enslin/Winer/Löflund, Bibliotheca theologica
Christian Wilhelm Löflund, Georg Benedikt Winer, Theodor Chr. F. Enslin, Bibliotheca theologica oder verzeichniss aller brauchbaren in älterer und neuerer Zeit, bis zum schluss des jahres 1831 in Deutschland erschienenen werke über alle theile der wissenschaftlichen, und praktischen protestantischen theologie ... Stuttgart 1833