Bibliographies - Places of Printing

Emil Ottokar Weller – Fakes in early printing
“Printed in Cologne” does not always mean that a book was really printed by the River Rhine. Weller’s work “Die falschen und fingirten druckorte. Repertorium der seit erfindung der buchdruckerkunst unter falscher firma erschienenen schriften“ (1858) contains fictitious places of printing and names of printers together with the correct names and places of printing.
CERL Thesaurus
Created by the Consortium for European Research Libraries (CERL). The database "contains forms of imprint places, imprint names, and personal names as found in material printed before the middle of the nineteenth century including variant spellings, forms in Latin and other languages, and fictitious names. The file has been created as a reference tool for bibliographers and scholars of the history of the book."
Graesse, Orbis Latinus
The standard work on Latin place names: Johann Georg Theodor Graesse’s “Orbis Latinus”, published in print in 1909.
Cathedral Libraries Catalogue
An addition to Graesse’s “Orbis Latinus”: List with English or other vernacular forms for the Latin names of printing towns as found in early printed books. There are also some references for early spellings of vernacular forms of names.
Latin Place Names
"Contains most of the Latin place names contained in the imprint field of pre-1801 books in the catalogs of the University of Chicago, Yale University, the Huntington Library, and Brigham Young University, together with their modern English (AACR2R form) equivalent."