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1964 - Submitted Books

Books Submitted to the 1st Prize 1964

In his official report Georges A. Deny wrote: "It has been decided, unanimously, not to award the triennal prize in bibliography 1964." A strict dedicision due to the high standards which had been set up for the Prize from the beginning. Some of the works, however, "more specially attracted the attention of the Jury". This is the list of the books submitted the 1st ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography, in 1964 still named "Triennal Prize for Bibliography":


Hermann Hesse. Eine Bibliographie der Werke über Hermann Hesse. Basel 1962, in-8 cart. XI-116pp.

WOODS (Fred.)

A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill. London, Nicholas Vane, 1963, in-8 cart. toile, 340pp. illustr.

HUNGER (Herbert)

Katalog der Griechischen Handschriften der Osterreichschen Nationalbibliothek. Teil I. Wien, Georg Prachner verl. 1961, in-4 br. XXI-504pp.


Irish Books Printed Abroad. 1475 - 1700. Dublin. the Dolmen Press. 1963, in-8 br. 36pp.


Saggio di Bibliografia Salentina. Manduria, Libr. Messapia, 1962, in-8 br. 68pp.


Die Buchholzschnitte des Hans Baldung Grien, Mit 203 abbildungen. Baden-Baden, Heitz verl. 1962 in-8 br. 159pp.


St. Thomas More. A preliminary bibliography of his works and of Moreana, to the Year 1750. With a bibliography of Utopiana... New Haven and London. Yale University press. 1961, in-8 cart. toile XXI-499pp., illustr.


Printing in London. From Caxton to modern times. London, Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1960, in-8 cart. toile. 224pp. Illustr.


Glossary of the book. London, G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. 1960, in-4 cart. toile, 484pp., illustr.


The Mencken Bibliography. Baltimore John Hopkins Press, 1961, in-8, cart. toile XI-367pp.


Bibliographie und Bibliographische Arbeitstechnik. Frauenfeld Huber & Co. verl. 1961, in-8 br. 172pp.


English Publishers in the Graphic Arts 1599-1700. New York, Burt Franklin, 1963. Grd. in-8 cart. toile XI-127pp. + 40 pl.


Klopstocks Briefe. Prolegomena zu einer gesamtausgabe. Stuttgart 1963, in-8 en ff. de 98pp. (original proofs)


Private Press Books. 1959-60-61, 3 fasc. in-8 br.


Les linéales. - Bodonis d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. De l'origine des Mecanes. 3 fasc. in-4 br.

HACK (B.) & WENDT (B.)

Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens. Band III. Frankfurt a.Main, Buchhändler-Vereinigung Gmbh 1961, in-4 cart. toile, VII-1710 col. illustr.


Soren Klierkegaard. Internatial Bibliografi. Nyt Nordisk forlag. Arnold Busck. Köbenhavn, 1962, in-4 br, 217pp + tab.

BINNIS (Norman E.)

An Introduction to Historical Bibliography. London, Asssociation of Assistant Librarians, 1962, 2nd revised and enlarged edition. in-8 cart. toile, 4ff. 388pp. Illustr.


L'Univers des Livres. Etude historique des origines à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Hermann, 1961, Grd. in-8 cart. toile, 707pp., Ilustr. coul. et noir.


Annali dei Giunti. Val. Primo. Venezia. Parte Prima & Parte seconda. Firenze. Sansoni Antiquariato. 1962-1963, 2 vol. in-4 de 445 & 573pp. Illustr.