Boekhandel-Antiquariaat Emile Kerssemakers
- Contact
- Emile Kerssemakers
- Adresse
Van Alphenstraat 30
Heerlen, 6416 EE
Pays-Bas - Heures d'Ouverture
- By appointment only
- Téléphone
- +31-(0)45-5419587
- Mobile
- +31-(0)653-401231
- Fax
- +31-(0)45-5419481
- Site web

Antiquariaat Emile Kerssemakers was established in 1992. Although we are specialized in religious books; in our store you also can find books on almost any other subject. There are more than 40.000 titles in stock.
- Antiquité classique
- Philosophie
- Religion
- Varia
- Christianisme

Les Catalogues de Boekhandel-Antiquariaat Emile Kerssemakers
Conditions de vente
We comply to the Terms and Conditions of Stichting Webshop Keurmerk and we are member of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of the Netherlands (NVvA) , affiliated to the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers / Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne (ILAB/LILA) and we recognize its Code of Usages and Customs.Numéro de TVA: NL1498.55.576.B.01