Suomen Antikvariaattiyhdistys/Finska Antikvariatföreningen (SAY)
- Adresse
c/o Kampintorin Antikvariaatti
Fredrikinkatu 63
FIN-00100 Helsinki
Finlande - Site web
- https://www.antikvariaatit.net/
- Président / Présidente
- Mr Timo Surojegin
- Téléphone
- Tel +358-9-694-3306
- timo.surojegin@welho.com
- Addresse
- c/o Kampintorin Antikvariaatti
Fredrikinkatu 63
FIN-00100 Helsinki
Suomen Antikvariaattiyhdistys (SAY), the Finnish Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association, was founded in 1941. Its first and long-standing chairman was Erik Olsoni during whose presidency SAY became a member of the ILAB in 1948. The association started with 10 members in the early 40s, and has 24 members today. Timo Surojegin is its president since 1996.
The Finnish Antiquarian Booksellers’ promotes the knowledge of and the interest in old literature in Finland which is, indeed, a country with a long history in rare bookselling. The first bookshop was established in Turku in the 1840s. From 1988 to 2001 the SAY organized an annual Antiquarian Book Fair in the White Hall in Helsinki. Since then the event has been arranged as a part of the Helsinki International Book Fair, with old and new books under the same roof of the modern Helsinki Fair Centre. Thus, the 20th Antiquarian Book Fair of the Finnish Association had, as part of the general fair, an outstanding number of 70.000 visitors, and a special exhibition organized by the SAY: “Cookbooks from Mothers to Daughters”.
Like all ILAB affiliates the SAY members adhere to the ILAB Code of Ethics and have a high level of expertise. They aim to establish a good relationship with their customers and make them feel that they can rely on the expertise of the SAY booksellers at all stages of the transaction.
Timo Surojegin
Term of office
1 year
Timo Surojegin, President, Chairman of the Fair Committee
Berndt Wikgren, Secretary, Foreign Collegial Contacts, Member of the Fair Committee
Anne Huurto, Member of the Fair Committee
Annual Meeting