Associazione Librai Antiquari d'Italia
XXIII Mostra del Libro Antico from 16th to 18th March in Milan (Italy)
Antiquarian booksellers from Italy, Germany, Great Britain, France, Austria, and the United States will offer rare and valuable books, manuscripts, autographs, prints and pamphlets from 16th to 18th March 2012 on the occasion of XXIII Mostra del Libro Antico in Milan.
These and many other highlights are to be found in the showcases at Milan’s beautiful Palazzo della Permanente:
Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, Manoscritto miniato su pergamena, in latino, all’uso di Sarum, probabilmente esemplato a Bruges, 1450 circa
Manuscript written and illuminated around 1450. "The illuminator relies heavily on line to detail and define his pictures. The minute initials contain landscapes with trees and hills, some with blue skies and others with pink backgrounds ornamented with gold, as in the miniature of the soul rising to heaven. The patterned backgrounds are typical of the Bruges Masters of the Gold Scrolls."
>>> Offered by Pregliasco Libreria Antiquaria (Turin, Italy)
Pseudo-Bonaventura, Meditationes passionis Christi: Incominciano le devote meditationi sopra la passione di nostro signore.
A very rare and beautifully illustrated edition of this famous pseudonymous work, so influential in the formation of iconographic themes in Renaissance art. With wonderful half-page woodcut illustrations, printed in Venice in 1497.
>>> Offered by Meda Riquier Rare Books (London)
Giorgio Ghisi, Giudizio Universale. Ten-part engraving after Michelangelo (1475 Caprese - 1564 Rome). Mid 1540s
An impressive piece of graphic work. Due to its size and technique it had already attracted a lot of attention during the time of its creation.
Michael de Montaigne, Les Essais. Edition nouvelle. Paris, Abel L’Angelier, 1595.
First folio and first issue of the essential, definitive early edition, published posthumously.
>>> Offered by Sokol Books (London, UK)
Bernardo Sartorio, I numi a diporto su l’Adriatico. Descrizione della regatta solenne disposta in Venezia.
The very rare first edition of this splendid baroque book was printed in Venice in 1688.
>>> Offered by Bado et Mart (Padova, Italy)
John Locke, Ragionamenti sopra la moneta l'interesse del danaro le finanze e il commercio scritti e pubblicati in diverse occasioni.
The rare first Italian edition of "Several Papers Relating to Money, Interest and Trade", printed in Florence 1751
Francisco de Goya, Los Desastres de la Guerra.
A masterpiece: The first edition with 80 beautiful engravings was printed in Madrid 1863.
>>> Offered by Gonelli Casa D’Aste (Florence, Italy)
Alfred Döblin, Das Stiftsfräulein und der Tod. (Berlin-Wilmersdorf), Verlag A. R. Meyer (1913)
With 5 original woodcuts (including title) by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.
>>> Offered by Antiquariat Hans Lindner (Mainburg, Germany)
William Shakespeare, The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. Weimar, Cranach Press, 1930
A masterpiece of the famous german Cranach Press, no. 20 of 300 copies, with the celebrated illustrations by Gordon Craig, bound magnificently in red morocco by Otto Dorfner, Weimar.
XXIII Mostradel Libro Antico
16th to 18th March, 2012
Palazzo della Permanente, Milan (Italy)
Friday and Saturday 10 am - 7 pm
Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
For more information please visit the official website: