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During the 41st ILAB Congress, preceded by ILAB's International Antiquarian Book Fair, both in Paris in April 2014, and both coinciding with celebrations around the 100th anniversary of the Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne (SLAM), the 16th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography will be awarded. This prestigious international Prize of US $ 10,000 for a scholarly work in the field of bibliography is awarded every 4 years.
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“Bibliographies are, if not the most important tool of an antiquarian bookseller, certainly one of the most important tools of antiquarian booksellers, librarians, scholars, researchers, and collectors. It is therefore only befitting that the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) honours a work in this scholarly field with a prize.“

Arnoud Gerits

Secretary, ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography

During the 41st ILAB Congress, preceded by ILAB’s International Antiquarian Book Fair, both in Paris in April 2014, and both coinciding with celebrations around the 100th anniversary of the Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne (SLAM), the 16th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography will be awarded. This prestigious international Prize of US $ 10,000 for a scholarly work in the field of bibliography is awarded every 4 years.

The jury under the direction of Prize Secretary Arnoud Gerits will meet in autumn 2013 to study and to discuss more than 70 books published worldwide which have been submitted to the Prize. The panel of judges consists of three antiquarian booksellers and three scholars who share a wide reputation for their knowledge and experience: Felix de Marez Oyens (President of the B.H. Breslauer Foundation), David Adams (Manchester University), Jean-Marc Chatelain (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), Poul Jan Poulsen (Aldus Antikvariat, Denmark), Umberto Pregliasco (Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco, Italy), and Arnoud Gerits (A. Gerits & Son, The Netherlands).

The list of submitted books about books is, just as last time, of high quality and full of new and interesting bibliographies on a wide range of subjects, and many of them are not only of excellent quality, but also show the continued commitment of scholars, collectors, dealers and professional bibliographers to this important and interesting part of the daily life of everyone who is seriously concerned with the history of the printed book.

Have a look at the impressive list of the 16th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography submissions. In the upcoming weeks ILAB will present all these works on its website ( We hope you will enjoy the series of book presentations!

Répertoire des Pastiches et Parodies Littéraires des XIXe et Xxe siècles. Paris, PU Paris Sorbonne, 2009. (Collection “Histoire de l’Imprimé”).

BESAS, P. Compendium of German-Language Books of Travel in Spain 1750-1900. Madrid, Ediciones La Libreria, 2010.

BOOTON, D. E. Manuscripts, Market and the Transition to Print in Late Medieval Brittany. Farnham, Ashgate, 2010.

BROECKE, M. van den. Ortelius Atlas Maps. An Illustrated Guide. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, 2011.

BROMER, D. J. Aun Aprendo. A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writingsof Aldous Leonard Huxley. Compiled by David J. Bromer in collaboration withShannon Struble. Boston, Bromer Booksellers, 2011.

CANTAMESSA ARPINATI, L. Astrologia Ins & Outs, Opera a Stampa (1468-1930). Milano, Otto/Novecento, 2011. Four volumes.

CANTELE, G. & R. SBIROLI. Roberto Ridolfi. Bibliografia. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2010. (Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana CLXXXIX. Diretta da Luigi Balsamo).

CASAMASSIMA, A. (Ed.) Catalogo del Fondo Ennio Cortese. Manoscritti, Incunaboli e Cinquecentine. Prefazione di Renato Schifani. Presentazione di Marcello dell’Utri. Introduzioni di Sandro Bulgarelli, Emanuele Conte, Ennio Cortese. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2012.

DRÜNER, U. & G. GÜNTHER. Musik und “Drittes Reich.” Fallbeispiele 1910 bis 1960 zu Herkunft, Höhepunkt und Nachwirkungen des Nationalsozialismus in der Musik. Köln, Weimar, Böhlau Verlag, 2012.

EGMOND, M. van. Covens & Mortier. A Map Publishing House in Amsterdam, 1685-1866. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, 2009. (Onderzoeksprogramma Explokart. Utrechtse Historisch-Cartografische Studies, 8)

FELCONE, J. J. Printing in New Jersey 1754-1800. Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, 2012.

FISCHER, E. Verleger, Buchhändler & Antiquare aus Deutschland und Österreich in der Emigration nach 1933. Ein biographisches Handbuch. Elbingen, Verband Deutscher Antiquare, 2011.

FONTAINE, J.-P. Cazin l’éponyme galvaudé. Préface de Christian Galantaris. Paris, L’Hexaèdre, 2012.

FROHNSDORFF, G. Early Printing in Saint Vincent. The Island’s First Printers and Their Work, With a List of Saint Vincent Imprints, 1767-1834. New Castle, Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2009.

GAUZ, V. Portuguese and Brazilian Books in the John Carter Brown Library 1537 to 1839. With a Selection of Braziliana Printed in Countries Other than Portugal and Brazil Compiled and edited by Valeria Gauz. Published by the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island, 2009.

GILBERT, J. Ian Fleming. The bibliography. Preface by Fergus Fleming. Foreword by Michael L. Vanblaricum. Edited by Brad Frank. London, Queen Anne Press, 2012.

GRAFTON, A. The Culture of Correction in Renaissance Europe. London, The British Library, 2011.

GRISSOM, C. E. Ernest Hemingway. A Descriptive Bibliography. New Castle, Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2011.

HESSE, C. (Ed.)
Wege zum idealen Buch. Deutsche Pressendrucke – Illustrierte Bücher – Einbande des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Sammlung der Barbara Achilles Stiftung. Hamburg, Barbara Achilles Stiftung, 2012.

HOWGEGO, R. J. Encyclopedia of Exploration. 5 volumes. Potts Point (Sydney), Hordern House, 2009-2013.

HOLLIS, G. (Ed.)
John Ward and His Magnificent Collection. Beverly Hills, Golden Legend Inc., 2010.

HUBBARD, Jason C. Japoniæ insulæ. The Mapping of Japan. A Historical introduction and cartobibliography of European Printed Maps before 1800. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, 2012. (Research Program Explokart. Studies on the History of Cartography, 14).

IVES, M. Christina Rossetti. A Descriptive Bibliography. Oak Knoll Press, 2011.

KALLENDORF, C. A Bibliography of the Early Printed Editions of Virgil 1469-1850. New Castle, Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2012.

KERSSEMAKERS, AGNES M. L. Social Liberation from the French Revolution to the Middle of the Twentieth Century. Some 9.000 Printed Books and Pamphlets in first and early editions, Papers and Periodicals, Almanacks, Broadsides, Posters, Prints and Caricatures, Photographs, Manuscripts and Memorabilia. Collected and described by Agnes M.L. Kerssemakers. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, 2011.

KRISTENSEN, M. Bogbindernes bla Bog. Kunstfaerdige danske bogbind ca 1880-2000. Dansk Forening for Bogbind, 2010.

KROGT, P. van der. Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici. New Edition. Volume IV-1: The Town Atlases – Braun & Hogenberg – Janssonius – Blaeu – De Wit, Mortier and others. Atlas Descriptions; IV-2 (1) & IV-2 (2): The Town Atlasses – Braun & Hogenberg – Janssonius – Blaeu – De Wit, Mortier and others. Map Descriptions; IV-A (1) & IV-A (2): The Galérie agréable du monde by Pieter van der Aa (1728), by Peter van der Krogt and Hans Braat. With the assistance of Martijn Storms. Introduction by Paul Hoftijzer. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, 2010-2012.

KUIPERS, T. Abraham Kuyper. An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010. With a Foreword by George Harinck. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011. (Brill’s Series in Church History, volume 55).

LOY, W. E. Nineteenth-Century American Designers & Engravers of Type. Edited by Alastair M. Johnston & Stephen O. Saxe. New Castle, Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2009.

LUGINBÜHL, M. & H. BOTHIEN. Meisterwerke des frühen Buchdrucks. Die Inkunabel-Schätze der Kantonsbibliothek Thurgau aus den Klöstern von Ittingen, Fischingen und Kreuzlingen. Frauenfeld, Stuttgart, Wien, Verlag Huber, 2011.

LUNDBLAD, K. Om betydelsen av böckers utseende. Det svenska förlagsbandets framväxt och etablering under perioden 1840-1914 med särskild hänsyn till dekorerade klotband. En studie av bokbandens formgivning, teknik och relation till frågor om modernitet och materiell kultur. Malmö, Ramos, 2010.
NOTAKER, H. Printed Cookbooks in Europe, 1470-1700. A Bibliography of Early Modern Culinary Literature. Oak Knoll Press (New Castle) & Hes & De Graaf Publishers, (Houten), 2010.

ORR, G. & B. TORREY. Jim Harrison, A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1964-2008. Lincoln & London, University of Nebraska Press, 2009.

PARISIAN, C. M. Frances Burney’s Cecilia. A Publishing History. London, Ashgate, 2012. (Ashgate Studies in Publishing History).

PARISIAN, C. M. (Ed.) The First White House Library. Published by The Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America and the National First Ladies' Library, 2010.

PATTINI, D. & P. RAMBALDI. Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Note storiche attorno a una collezione. Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2012. (Il “Cannocchiale” dello Storico: Miti e Ideologie/17)

PERRET, J. Regards sur les Alpes. 100 livres d’exception, 1515-1908. Paris, Editions du Mont Blanc, 2011.

PETERSON, W. S. & S. H. PETERSON. The Kelmscott Chaucer. A Census. Oak Knoll Press, 2011.

PETRELLA, G. Fra testo e immagine. Edizioni popolari del Rinascimento in una miscellanea ottocentesca. Udine, Forum, 2009. (Libri e Biblioteche, 23)

PETRELLA, G. L’Oro di Dongo, ovvero per una storia del patrimonio librario del convento dei Frati Minori di Santa Maria del Fiume (con il catalogo degli incunaboli). Presentazione di Rosa Maria Borraccini. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2012 (Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana CXCV)

PETTEGREE, A. & M. WALSBY (Eds). French Books III & IV. Books published in France before 1601 in Latin and Languages other than French. Two volumes. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2012.

PETTEGREE, A. The Book in the Renaissance. London, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2011.

PETTEGREE, A. & M. WALSBY (Eds). Netherlandish Books. Books published in the Low Countries and Dutch Books printed abroad before 1601. Two volumes. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011.

PITTIE, A. Birds in Books. Three hundred years of South Asian Ornithology. A Bibliography. With a foreword by Edward C. Dickinson. Ranikhet, Permanent Black, 2010.

POLAK, M. & A. DUGRAND. Trésor des Livres de Mer. De Christophe Colomb à Marin-Marie. Paris, Editions Hoëbeke, 2011.

RICHARDS, D. A. Rudyard Kipling. A Bibliography. Oak Knoll Press, The British Library, 2010.

ROSS, C. Lieutenant Nobu Shirase and the Japanese Antartic Expedition of 1910-1912. A Bibliography. Santa Monica, California, Adélie Books, 2010.

RUIZ, MARIA JOSE BLAS. Aguilar. Historia de una editorial y de sus collecciones literariaqs en papel biblia. 1923-1986. Con la colaboracion de Jose Luis Sanchez de Vivar Villalba. Prologo de Luis Alberto de Cuenca. Madrid, Libreria del Prado, 2012.

SCHILDER, G. & H. KOK. Sailing for the East. History & Catalogue of Manuscript Charts on vellum of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) 1602-1799. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, 2010. (Research Program Explokart. Studies on the History of Cartography, 10)

SCHROEDER, T. Frans Haacken. Zeichner zwischen 3 Welten. Eine bibliographische Expedition in Buch, Film und Graphik des Künstlers Frans Haacken. Berlin, Gretanton, 2012.

SESLAVINSKY, M. The Fragrance of the Bound Book. Russian Book-Binding, XIX-XX Centuries. Moscow, 2011.

SESLAVINSKY, M. Illustrated Books for Children published in Russia in the 19th Century up to 1917. Two volumes. Moscow 2011.

SHEFRIN, J. The Dartons. Publishers of Educational Aids, Pastimes & Juvenile Ephemera 1787-1876. Los Angeles, Cotsen Occasional Press, 2009.

SMITH, D. C. The Journalism of H.G. Wells. An Annotated Bibliography. Edited by Patrick Parrinder. With a Descriptive Index of Journals compiled by Mike Ashley. Haren, Equilibris Publishing, 2012.

SMITH, W. E. Charles Dickens. A Bibliography of his first American Editions 1836-1870. With photographic reproductions of bindings and title pages. The Novels with sketches by Boz. Calabass, David Brass Rare Books, 2012.

STIJNMAN, A. Engraving and Etching 1400-2000. A History of the Development of Manual Intaglio Printmaking Processes. Houten, Hes & de Graaf, London, Archetype Publications, 2012.

STODDARD, R. E. & D. R. WHITESELL (Ed.) A Bibliographical Description of Books and Pamphlets of American Verse Printed from 1610 Through 1820. Compiled by Roger E. Stoddard, and Edited by David R. Whitesell. Published by The Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America, 2012.

SUAREZ, M. F. (S.J.) & H. R. WOUDHUYSEN. The Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press, 2010. Two volumes.

THOMI, P.-A. Ouvrages publiés par les Éditions d’Art. A l’Enseigne du Pot Cassé (1925-1950). Morges, à l’Enseigne de la Cascade, 2012.

TIRINI, S. Astronautica, il sogno che sembrava impossibile. Bibliografia ragionata di une Collezione. Cento, Siaca, 2009.

TIRINI, S. L’illusione dell’energia senza fine nell’epopea nucleare. I libri dei precursori. Bologna, Patron, 2011.

TOMITA, S. (Ed.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of Italian Books Printed in England 1558-1603. London, Ashgate, 2009. (Anglo-Italian Renaissance Studies Series)

VIGNES, H. Bibliographie des éditions de Minuit. Du “Silence de la mer” à “L’Anti-Oedipe” (20 février 1942-18 février 1972). Paris, Librairie Henri Vignes / Éditions des Cendres, 2010.

VIGNES, H. & P. BOUDROT. Bibliographie des éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française (26 mai 1911-15 juillet 1919). Paris, Librairie Henri Vignes / Éditions des Cendres, 2011.

VLOEMANS , J. Avantgarda. Typography and Photomontage in modernist Czech book production 1918-1938. The Hague, Privately Printed, 2012.

WAGNER, B. & M. REED (Eds.) Early Printed Books as Material Objects. Proceedings of the Conference Organized by the IFLA Rare Books and Manuscript Section, Munich, 19-21 August 2009. De Gruyter, Saur, 2010. (IFLA Publications 149).

WALSBY, M. The Printed Book in Brittany, 1484-1600. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011 (Library of the Written Word, volume 14).

WEBER, J. Annotated dictionary of fore-edge painting artists & binders. The fore-edge paintings of Miss C.B. Currie with a catalogue raisonné. Los Angeles, Jeff Weber Rare Books, 2010.

WILKINSON, A. S. Iberian Books. Books Published in Spanish or Portugese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601. (Libros ibéricos. Libros publicados en espanol o portugués o en la Peninsula Ibérica antes de 1601). Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011.

WORMS, L. & A. BAYNTON-WILLIAMS. British Map Engravers. A Dictionary of Engravers, Lithographers and their principal employers to 1850. London, Rare Book Society, 2011.

YOUNG, M. McLennan. Field & Tuer, The Leadenhall Press. A Checklist with an Appreciation of Andrew White Tuer. Oak Knoll Press, The British Library, 2010.

>>> For more information and a fully illustrated list please visit the official website

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