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Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V.

The True Story of Migraine and Book Buying

Several years ago I had a customer who occasionally bought an expensive book. He was not a regular, but sometimes came by to buy something, I think to reward himself for business deals that had gone well. He drove a flashy car, a Porsche that he was very proud of. He usually sprang out of it, wearing an Armani suit, an open white shirt and a gold chain around his fleshy, tanned neck. One day he arrived unannounced - looking distraught.
Articles Werner

Several years ago I had a customer who occasionally bought an expensive book. He was not a regular, but sometimes came by to buy something, I think to reward himself for business deals that had gone well.

He drove a flashy car, a Porsche that he was very proud of. He usually sprang out of it, wearing an Armani suit, an open white shirt and a gold chain around his fleshy, tanned neck.

One day he arrived unannounced - looking distraught.

Something dreadful and disappointing has happened to me, he moaned. I need something to take my mind off it.

I showed him several nice objects, and he finally took a 5-volume Carl Freiherrn Hels Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek He took it, not even bargaining about over the price.

He was really upset.

As I saw he was dying to tell someone, I cautiously asked about the reason for his agitated state of mind.

You remember my girlfriend?

I did, a breathtaking, slightly overweight blonde.

She suffers from these dreadful migraines.

Poor girl, that is really terrible, I commiserated.

They take two or three days, and its horrible. So, we found that there is a migraine clinic near Karlsruhe (about 70 km from here) and thats were I take her in my Porsche whenever the symptoms start. She usually stays the night, and I fetch her back when she feels better.

I agreed that this was probably the best, and that I thought it was very kind of him.

Yes, he almost sobbed, and now Ive found out that shes having an affair with the migraine doctor!

I kept a straight face, packed his books into plastic bags, consoled him as best I could and then sent him on his miserable way.

(This story is too good not to be true the editor. Posted on Books and Other Animals, presented here by permission of the author.)