The Mulvihill Collection of Rare & Special Books and Images
The Florida Bibliophile Society Web site has now posted, from the December 11, 2011 issue of the Society's newsletter, a digital copy of the Society's two-page feature on Maureen E. Mulvihill's recent talk on her collection, hosted by the Florida Bibliophile Society and the University of Tampa Library.
The Florida Bibliophile Society Web site has now posted, from the December 11, 2011 issue of the Society's newsletter, a digital copy of the Society's two-page feature on Maureen E. Mulvihill's recent talk on her collection, hosted by the Florida Bibliophile Society and the University of Tampa Library.
To view a summary, with images, from her 90-minute presentation, visit the website of the
>>> Florida Bibliophile Society
"The Evolution and Education of a Collector" - A short article about Maureen E. Mulvihill at the Florida Bibliophile Society by