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RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage – Now Open Access

The RBM has recently changed its RBM Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts and Cultural Heritage to an open access model of publication.
Articles 1932 image1 rbm journal

The RBM has recently changed its RBM Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts and Cultural Heritage to an open access model of publication. What does this mean?

For 30 years, the RBM Journal has been published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, covering a wide range of subjects on rare books to questions on special collections and cultural heritage institutions.
This very useful resource is now freely accessible shortly after the publication of the print journal and can be viewed and articles can be downloaded via the Internet.

However “Ours is a profession (regardless of the type of cultural heritage collection, it still applies) deeply rooted in the physical object. I encourage you to continue supporting the print journal by subscribing, as an institution and/or individually. Most of us recoil in horror at the idea of digitizing our collections and discarding the originals. Similarly, just as it is important to provide resources to maintain our collections in perpetuity, we must do the same for RBM if we want to see our journal continue to exist in its current form.”, says Chief Editor Jennifer K. Sheehan.