No Rare Books, Just Whisky Shackleton's Whisky Discovered in the Antarctic

They have been frozen for more than 100 years. Sir Ernest H. Shackleton had stored them in his hut in the Antarctic during his 1908 Antarctic expedition, before the famous explorer returned to Great Britain: five cases filled with bottles of Scotch whisky and brandy. The hut was restored in 2006 by the Antarctic Heritage Trust who found the cases. Now the whisky is going to be thawed at the Canterbury Museum in Christchurch (New Zealand). Let’s see whether the stuff is still drinkable …
“The whisky may still be drinkable but would probably not be tasted ... ‘This was a blend so they are hopeful if there is enough alcohol left and it is in good condition they may be able to analyse and hopefully replicate the liquid so in fact everyone could partake in this … It has been put on ice for 100 years so I don't think it is too unromantic a suggestion. The reality is that it is very limited quantities and our focus is on the conservation and not the drinking." (Nigel Watson, executive director of the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust, in The New Zealand Herald)
>>> Museum thaws century-old Scotch – The New Zealand Herald, July 22, 2010
„Wellington/Neuseeland - Mehr als hundert Jahre waren die Flaschen im antarktischen Eis eingefroren, nun sollen sie quasi wieder zum Leben erweckt werden: Die vor kurzem geborgenen Whiskeyflaschen des berühmten britischen Polarforschers Ernest Shackleton werden seit Mittwoch im Canterbury Museum in Christchurch auf der südlichen Hauptinsel Neuseelands langsam erwärmt. Danach soll der Schnaps untersucht werden.“ (Der Standard, Austria)
>>> Shackletons antarktischer Whisky wird nach 100 Jahren wiedererweckt, Der Standard (Austria), July 22, 2010
>>> Rare books and first editions by Ernest H. Shackleton