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ILAB and ABEBooks – Negotiations Postponed to the Future

Le Comité LILA a décidé de reporter cette collaboration. Bien sûr, nous ne tournons pas notre dos à ABEBooks, en fait, nous vous encourageons à débattre de cette collaboration avec vos membres, et au cas où une association serait désireuse de collaborer de suite avec ABEBooks, nous ne soulèverons aucune objection mais vous demanderons seulement de nous tenir informés de vos progrès et des termes de votre accord.
Articles 1443 image1 ilab logo 2010

Dear Presidents,

I know that you have all been waiting for news from the ABEBooks front.

The latest draft of a proposal the Committee has received from them was not as promising as what had been shown during the presentation at the Paris Meeting. It is very possible that the higher management of ABEBooks may not be very convinced that a peer to peer cooperation (i.e. on an equal footing) between us would be desirable.

Moreover, during the summer, there have been a lot of negative media articles about Amazon's dealings with publishing houses.

For these reasons, the Committee has decided to postpone any agreement to the future. We will, of course, not turn our backs on Abebooks, in fact, we encourage you to discuss such a collaboration with your members, and if any association wishes to move immediately forward with a deal with ABEBooks, we will not have any objection and only ask that you keep up informed
of your progress and the terms of your agreement.

Kind regards,

Norbert Donhofer (ILAB President)