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Verband der Antiquare Österreichs

Buch Wien – Book Festival and International Book Fair in Vienna, November 2015

From 9th to 15th November 2015 the Austrian capital Vienna will be the final destination for book lovers. With over 450 lectures, discussions, performances – and an International Book Fair – "Buch Wien" will be the greatest Austrian book festival and one of the most important bookish events in Europe. For the first time in 2015, the antiquarian booksellers will be a prominent part of it.
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From 9th to 15th November 2015 the Austrian capital Vienna will be the final destination for book lovers. With over 450 lectures, discussions, performances – and an International Book Fair – “Buch Wien” will be the greatest Austrian book festival and one of the most important bookish events in Europe. For the first time in 2015, the antiquarian booksellers will be a prominent part of it.

At the International Book Fair from 12th to 15th November 2015, 16 antiquarian booksellers, all members of the Austrian Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (VAO) and affiliates to the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB), will show rare and fine books from all centuries. Guided tours will show book fair visitors the most beautiful books and manuscripts on display, while bookbinders and book artists demonstrate bookbinding and restauration techniques. At the official opening there will be an appraisal evening with Karl Hohenlohe, widely known for his TV series "Kunst und Krempel", VAO President Michael Steinbach and Robert Schoisengeier.

Highlights of their bibliophile offers will be presented in an illustrated joint catalogue. Click below to download the pdf file.

Antiquarian booksellers at Buch Wien 2015:

Antiquariat Mag. Michael Bauer

Antiquariat Burgverlag

Druckwerk Antiquariat Walter Klügel

Georg Fritsch Antiquariat

A.L. Hasbach Buchhandlung & Antiquariat

Antiquariat Inlibris Gilhofer Nfg.

Domenico Jacono

Antiquariat Dr. Paul Kainbacher

Antiquariat Löcker

Antiquariat Meindl & Sulzmann OG

Antiquariat Andreas Moser e.U.

Antiquariat Clemens Paulusch GmbH

Rotes Antiquariat und Galerie Wien – Berlin

Michael Steinbach Buch- und Kunstantiquariat

Matthäus Truppe Buchhandlung & Antiquariat

Antiquariat Peter Truppe

Buch Wien – International Book Fair

12 – 15 November 2015, Messe Wien Hall D

Visit the official website for more information:
Articles 1698 image2 buchwien2015 antiquare
Documents Associées
Documentation center files 1698 gemeinschaftskatalog 20antiquariate 20buchwien 202015