Bibliographies - Women Writers
Woman Literature in Germany 1700 - 1900
More than 220.000 pages from 848 digital resources: novels, poetry, diaries, memoirs, drama, travel literature, biographies written by women from 1700 to 1900. The digitalized books are part of the Library of Corvey.
A Celebration of Women Writers
Do you want to know the female authors of Burkina Faso, the women writers from Slovakia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Albania, Ukraine, Hungary, Korea, from 3000 BC up to the 20th century? Click on the Celebration of Women Writers.
Women Writers Database
The Women Writers Database is one of the first products of the NWO research project Women Writers and their audiences (1997 - 2004). It contains information (book titles, data, facts, and starting points for interpretation) on the literary production of European and North American women up to c. 1900 and on the reception of these works by contemporaries and literary historians (both men and women).