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Bibliographies - English Literature

Online: The Cambridge History of English and American Literature - Case, Poetical Miscellanies 1521-1750 - Grolier Club, English writers from Langland to Prior, 3 volumes - The Victorian Literary Studies Archive
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The Cambridge History of English and American Literature

“Considered the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published, the Cambridge History contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing.”

Case, Poetical Miscellanies 1521-1750

Arthur E. Case, A Bibliography of English Poetical Miscellanies 1521-1750 ... Printed for the Bibliographical Society 1935

Grolier Club, English writers from Langland to Prior

Catalogue of original and early editions of some of the poetical and prose works of English writers from Langland to Wither ... & from Wither to Prior. Imprinted at New York for the Grolier Club 1893-1905

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

The Victorian Literary Studies Archive

19th Century British and Irish Authors in chronological order, with links to articles and online biographies.