Orsi Libri
- Contact
Federico Orsi
- Adresse
Corso Venezia, 29
Milan, 20121
Italie - Téléphone
- +39 351 5242260
- Site web
- https://orsilibri.com
- https://www.instagram.com/orsilibri

A note about Orsi Libri
Antiquarian bookseller studio and cabinet of curiosities. We are specialists in early printed books, first editions, popular prints and decorated papers; Latin America, bibliography, English, French and Spanish books. Occasionally, we trade objets d’art, scientific items, natural-historical specimens, and curios. We provide detailed descriptions following academic standards.
Orsi Libri offers its items through sale catalogues, which are regularly sent out to our contacts and are available to view on this website. We are on the main online selling platforms and we take part in the major antiquarian book fairs.
- Bibliographie
- Impressions anciennes
- Estampes et dessins
- Curiosités
- Amérique centrale et latine
- Decorated Paper
Autres Spécialités
English, French & Spanish books
Les Catalogues de Orsi Libri
Numéro de TVA: IT11119040969