NL 280 MARCH 2025
Please find below a selection of some recent arrivals. Click the "Full Details" link to view the complete description and additional images.
| BELGRAND, E. Histoire Générale de Paris - La Seine. I: Le Bassin Parisien aux Âges Antéhistoriques. Texte - Planches de Paléontologie - Annexe avec un Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles des environs de Paris a l'époque quaternaire. Imprimerie Impériale. Paris. Date Published: 1869. 3 volumes. Small folio. Stock No. 19084 Price: £600 view full details | |
| LAPOINTE, E. Essai sur la Navigation Aérienne: Aérostation - Aviation. Berger-Levrault. Paris et Nancy. Date Published: 1896. Stock No. 19450 Price: £150 view full details | |
| BLACK, Davidson. On an Adolescent Skull of Sinanthropus Pekinensis in Comparison with an Adult Skull of the Same Species and With Other Hominid Skulls, Recent and Fossil. Geological Survey of China. Peiping (Peking). Date Published: 1931. 4to. Stock No. 50424 Price: £150 view full details | |
| LUCAE, Joh. Christ. Gustav. Zur Morphologie der Rassen-Schädel. Einleitende Bemerkungen und Beiträge. Heinrich Ludwig Brönner. Frankfurt A.M. Date Published: 1861-1864. 2 parts in one. 4to. Stock No. 50457 Price: £200 view full details | |
| SCIENTIFIC NEWS For General Readers. No publisher. London. Date Published: March 1887 - December 1888. 3 volumes. ALL PUBLISHED. Stock No. 50908 Price: £360 view full details | |
| BILLING, Archibald. Practical Observations on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. S. Highley. London. Date Published: 1852. 8vo. Stock No. 51059 Price: £200 view full details | |
| [WUNSCH, Christian Ernst]. Horus oder Astrognostisches Endurtheil über die Offenbarung Johannis und über die Weissagungen auf den Messias wie auch über Jesum und seine Jünger. Mit einem Ahange von Europens neueren Aufklärung und vor der Bestimmung des Menschen durch Gott. Ein Lesebuch zur Erholung für die Gelehrten und ein Denkzettel für Freymaurer. Im Verlage des Vernunsthauses. Ebenezer. Date Published: 1784. Second edition. 8vo. Stock No. 51097 Price: £450 view full details | |
| [KERSTEMAN, Franciscus Lievens]. Spiegel der Weereld, of Geheime Waernemingen van den Beruchten Astrologist JOHAN CHRISTOPHORUS LUDEMAN, Verdeelt in Twaalf Brieven, Gescheven aen MEESTER FRANCSICUS. Gerrit van Rooye. Rotterdam. Date Published: [1760]. 4to. Stock No. 51098 Price: £450 view full details | |
| BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Lithographed Signatures of the Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science., Who Met at Cambridge, June M.DCCC.XXXIII. With a Report of the Proceedings at the Public Meetings During the Week; And an Alphabetical List of the Members. Printed at the Pitt Press, by John Smith. Cambridge. Date Published: 1833. 4to. Stock No. 51679 Price: £350 view full details | |
| SHERRINGTON, Charles S. Experiments in Examination of the Peripheral Distribution of the Fibres of the Posterior Roots of Some Spinal Nerves. Parts I and II. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. v.184, B and v.190, B. Date Published: 1893;1898. 4to. Stock No. 51950 Price: £400 view full details | |
| NUTTALL, George H. F. Blood Immunity and Blood Relationship. A Demonstration of Certain Blood-Relationships Amongst Animals by Means of the Precipitin Test for Blood. Including Original Researches by G. S. GRAHAM-SMITH and T. S. P. STRANGEWAYS. University Press. Cambridge. Date Published: 1904. First edition. Stock No. 51988 Price: £450 view full details | |
| PITHA, [Ferdinand] v. and BILLROTH, [Theodor] (eds.). Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen Chirurgie mit Einschluss der topographischen Anatomie, Operations- und Verbandlehre. ATLAS von DR. JOS. GREB. Ferdinand Enke. Erlangen. Date Published: 1865. 8vo. Stock No. 52615 Price: £400 view full details | |
| MASON, Mrs. Charlotte. The Lady's Assistant for Regulating and Supplying the Table; Being a Complete System of Cookery. Containing the Most Select Bills of Fare, Properly Disposed, For Family Dinners of Five Dishes to two Courses of Eleven and Fifteen; etc. etc. Including the Fullest and Choicest Receipts of Various Kinds; etc. etc. Likewise Directions for Brewing, etc. etc. Also, remarks for Kitchen Poisons, and Necessary Cautions Thereon. With an Appendix,...... on the Breeding, Rearing, and Management of Poultry, On the Business of the Dairy, and on the Management of the Kitchen and Fruit Garden. Originally Published from the Manuscript Collection of.... Printed by T. Gillet, for Vernon and Hood, a.o. London. Date Published: 1805. The Ninth Edition, Enlarged, Corrected, and Improved to the Present Time. 8vo. Stock No. 52889 Price: £300 view full details | |
| ALDER, Joshua and HANCOCK, Albany. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca: With Figures of all the Species. [Parts 1-7]; Part VIII (Supplementary) Figures by the Late JOSHUA ALDER and the Late ALBANY HANCOCK, and Others, Text by SIR CHARLES ELIOT. Ray Society. London. Date Published: 1845. Parts 1-7. 4to.; 1910. Part VIII. 4to. 2 volumes. Stock No. 65339 Price: £575 view full details | |
| HUXLEY, Leonard (edit.). The Life and Letters of THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY. Macmillan. London. Date Published: 1908. Second edition. 3 volumes. Stock No. 66274 Price: £95 view full details | |
| MARCHANT, James. Alfred Russell Wallace, Letters and Reminiscences. Harper & Brothers. New York. Date Published: 1916. Stock No. 66276 Price: £150 view full details | |
| RAY, John. Three Physico-Theological Discourses, Concerning I. The Primitive CHAOS, and Creation of the World. II. The General DELUGE, its Causes and Effects. III. The Dissolution of the WORLD, and Future Conflagration. Wherein are largely discussed, The Production and Use of Mountains, the Original of Fountains, of Formed Stones, and Sea-Fishes Bones and Shells found in the Earth; the Effects of particular Floods, and foundations of the Sea; the Eruptions of Volcano's; the Nature and Causes of Earthquakes. Also an Historical Account of those Two late Remarkable ones in Jamaica and England. With PRACTICAL INFERENCES. Illustrated with COPPER PLATES. William and John Innys. West End of S. Paul's. Date Published: 1721. Fourth edition. Stock No. 66286 Price: £300 view full details | |
| RAY, John. Observations Topographical, Moral, & Physiological; Made in a Journey Through part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy and France: With a Catalogue of Plants not Native of England, found Spontaneously growing in those Parts, and their Virtues. Whereunto is added A brief Account of Francis Willughby Esq; his Voyage through a great part of Spain. John Martyn. London. Date Published: 1673. Stock No. 66287 Price: £125 view full details | |
| GOSSE, Philip Henry. A Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast. John Van Voorst. London. Date Published: 1853. Stock No. 66288 Price: £150 view full details | |
| MILNE, Colin. A Botanical Dictionary: Or, Elements of Systematic and Philosophical Botany. [Containing descriptions of the parts of plants; an explanation of the scientific terms used by Morison, Ray, Tournefort, Linnaeus, and other eminent botanists; a brief analysis of the principal systems in botany; a critical enquiry into the merits and defects of the Linnaean method of arrangement, and distribution of the genera... The whole forming a complete system of botanical knowledge, calculated for the use of students in that science.] H. D. Symonds. London. Date Published: 1805. Third edition Revised, Corrected and Considerably Enlarged. With 25 new plates. Stock No. 66289 Price: £500 view full details | |
| ASHTON, L. G. (edit). Dairy Farming in Australia. (Victorian [Australia] Edition Revised). Commonwealth Department of Commerce and Agriculture [Victoria]. Date Published: 1954. Stock No. 66290 Price: £20 view full details | |